Membership Has Its Privileges...
All Members Should Download the Free PRC PAC App (available on Google Play or the Apple App Store)
Following the Daily PRC News Feed and Following to the PRC Weekly Podcast and Newsletter will Circumvent the Bias of the Mainstream Media and the Censorship of Social Media
All Members Should Encourage Every American to Download this App and Take the PRC Challenge !!!
Registering at (or, upgrading to) the Ambassador level of PRC (Independent Supporting Member – ISM) enrolls you in the Primary the Ruling Class movement and distinguishes you as a person of action (not just talk). The $29.95 monthly dues at this level are affordable for just about everyone, but it takes someone especially dedicated, strong, and patriotic to put their money where their mouth is. The founders of PRC PAC did the same and they welcome you to this special club.
One purpose of PRC is to educate Americans on the Ruling Class culture that has permeated our government, media, academic institutions, and even Hollywood. From time to time, PRC will host special training webinars and seminars reserved for our dues-paying members. These events will teach you how to be effective in influencing and educating others. Our team of instructors have successfully trained tens of thousands of individuals across three continents in the skills necessary for recruiting, organization building, and leadership. These trainings are sure to enhance your life and career – both inside and outside of PRC.
Of course, some members will prefer to limit their involvement to simply paying dues… and we appreciate your support at any level. All webinars, trainings and events are strictly voluntary. We do hope, however, that you will consider helping us grow…
High-tech Tyranny represents an existential threat to our freedoms. The mainstream media is incredibly biased and social media platforms censor and manipulate our speech. Putting the PRC App into the hands of millions of Americans can bypass and nullify their efforts to silence and manipulate us. As a dues-paying member of PRC you can speak to others with authority and the strength of your convictions – this tremendously magnifies your influence as you encourage others to download the app and take The PRC Challenge themselves.
We may occasionally ask you to send an email or even place a phone call to the offices of a certain politician. This is called political activism and it can be very effective. For far too long the other side has been organized and we have not – this needs to change.
Benefits of Membership (ISM)
- All benefits afforded to IMs, plus…
- Password Protected Access: PATRIOT PLACE (a private social media network)
- Password Protected Access: PRC Deep-dive Political Research Archives
- Special Invites to PRC Conference Calls and Webinars
- Lock up a Position in the Genealogy of the PRC cell/team Hierarchy
- Perk: Receive discount pricing on the book, It’s Not About Donkeys and Elephants: Branding the Real Enemy.