Newscast – Hitchhiker’s Guide to Politics

Where Every Episode is #42
Membership Development

Membership Development PRC is a grassroots organization made up of everyday Americans that are fed-up with the status quo. Our members want to make a difference and for that to happen we must continue to increase our numbers. The biggest resource in doing so is our current membership. PRC offers Membership Training and various levels […]
Websites and Information Technology

Websites and Information Technology Websites PRC PAC currently maintains two permanent websites (one for members and one for the general public). From time to time, other temporary sites may be established to facilitate certain recruiting, fundraising, and/or campaigning operations. Sophisticated online operations require constant maintenance and expertise. Software has been purchased and/or licensed and some […]
Professional Services (Regulatory Compliance)

Professional Services (Regulatory Compliance) PRC PAC is a political action committee classified as an Independent Expenditure Committee (Super PAC) and is registered with the Federal Election Commission. We are operating as a Political Union and all membership fees and dues are considered as political donations. Structuring and maintaining such an entity requires ongoing professional expertise. […]
A War Chest – Ad Campaigns to Replace RINOs

A War Chest – Ad Campaigns to Replace RINOs PRC PAC believes the best way to replace Ruling Class (RINO) Republican politicians is in the Primary Elections. The populist side of the Democrat party is fully socialist and the establishment side is totally corrupt – we cannot oppose a RINO during the general election and […]
Stop the RINOs – PRC Newsletter

Stop the RINOs – Official Newsletter of Primary the Ruling Class Political Action Committee The PRC Newsletter is a weekly publication that facilitates communications amongst the membership as well as providing political insight. Information on Conference calls, PAC endorsements, video conferences, Ad releases, Membership and Leadership training, membership drives, local meetings and rallies, as well […]
PRC Weekly Report (podcast)

PRC Weekly Report (podcast) The PRC Weekly Report is a weekly podcast that allows PRC to drill-down into specific issues of the day and expose the Ruling Class motivations behind many of these seemingly crazy events. Entertaining and informative, this podcast exposes how today’s politics is more about the Ruling Class vs America First than […]
PRC App and News Feed

PRC App and News Feed The PRC News Feed is one of the most influential tools the PAC utilizes. All new members (even the free levels) receive a welcome letter with instructions on how to download the free app and set-up the news feed. Content is added daily from a large number of differing insider […]
Deep Dive Political Research Archives

Deep Dive Political Research Archives The PRC Political Research Archives are an ever expanding database of articles, events, reports, and voting records of candidates, office holders, and other persons of interest inside and outside of government. Come election season, all candidates sound the same… but we know behavior never lies. This archived record of their […]