What to Do First?

Revised 11/10/19-Approved


If you have not done so already, download the free PRC PAC App onto your smartphone


On the PRC App, use the Sign-up/Upgrade icon to complete your registration (IMPORTANT)


Take The PRC Challenge and attend an online Membership Orientation webinar

    1. Install the free PRC PAC App on your phone. In the News Feed, tap on a new article and scan the headlines. One headline is from the original article and the other PRC has added. Repeat this with each new article. You can tap again to read the full article if you wish, but just reading the headlines is usually enough. Do this once a day for two weeks (it takes about two minutes a day).
    2. In addition, listen to the PRC podcast once a week…

That’s it! That’s the PRC Challenge! Once you’ve done it you’ll understand why everyone in the country needs this App !!!


Enroll 5 new people into the PRC Political Union ASAP


Consider upgrading your membership level and/or making a one-time donation


Stay Plugged-in (IMPORTANT)



Most importantly – Decide if you just want to go through the motions, or if you really want to make a difference !!!


Make a list of eight people that deserve to know about PRC PAC