PRC Weekly Report (podcast)

PRC Weekly Report (podcast) The PRC Weekly Report is a weekly podcast that allows PRC to drill-down into specific issues of the day and expose the Ruling Class motivations behind many of these seemingly crazy events. Entertaining and informative, this podcast exposes how today’s politics is more about the Ruling Class vs America First than […]
Are You Ready to Take a Stand? Do You Think Congress Is Doing Its Job? Hundreds of President Trump’s nominees still haven’t been affirmed… They grow the deficit every year… Leaders won’t even bring much of President Trump’s agenda up for a vote… Listen: What Is A Political Union? Do You Think Republican Leadership Is Sabotaging President Trump? They undermine his […]
Why I Joined PRC PAC

I joined PRC PAC to help stop the madness that I felt our country had spiraled into. I was growing increasingly upset with politics and politicians and felt helpless; I am often left scratching my head as to how we got to this point. We are where we are politically because mainstream Americans have been […]